Posts tagged sickness
The Invisible Kind of Sick

People can’t see my chronic migraines. If anything, they don’t see me at a gathering because I needed to stay home. Winter clothes do a good job of covering up bright red rashes and I keep my hands out of sight. Friends can see I’m unable to eat much in this season, and that one really hurts because they also know I’m a nutritionist.

This is the invisible kind of sick, it took six months to diagnose and is now part of my story. I never thought I’d need to go through the wringer again with my own health to become educated on disease, but here I am, more educated than ever.

We never know what someone battles with on the inside unless they tell us. This is a post that explores what invisible sickness has been like for me. I share my story with the hope that we can later support others in our life when we can’t see what ails them.

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